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Safety Initiatives

Safe news

I carried out a parking lesson.
On November 27, I parked at the cause of the Koiwa police station cooperation, the head office parking lot and gave lessons in it. After the explanation in the leaflet including the mental attitude at the time of the driving, I carried out a parking lesson using a commercial vehicle while rain flickered.
I am tense in the person who can park smoothly, a large number of employees in front, and the parking that it is possible for ordinarily handles it many times, and various, but convincible people who were not able to park it think that they might have been able to understand "an art of the parking" by the advice from an attache more or less.
I make use of the advice that I had this time for future parking and will aim at accident zero. Thank you, all of Koiwa police stations which had you cooperate.
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