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Outbreak of Coronavirus Infection
Our one employee was proved to be positive of the new coronavirus as a result of polymerase chain reaction test.
  • Work location: The head office last attendance day: After that, on November 9, I stand by at home
  • I perform a polymerase chain reaction test on November 9, and it is revealed that it is positive of 10th, the following day
  • I identify cause of the instruction such as public health centers, close contact four
  • I carry out the disinfectant work of the head office on November 11
    I assume it a layoff and, about the close contact, order follow-up
In us, I perform appropriate disposal of waste based on the basic coping policy by the government safely and stably and,
I set up a crisis task force to plan continuation of the business.
I give priority to the security of a business partner, an employee and the family sequentially and will carry it out faithfully.
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